Assistant Professor → Associate Professor in Japanese University

I got promoted as Associate Professor on April 1. Alhamdulillah!


Of course it was hard work, blood, sweat and tears, no shortcut!

Working in a Japanese university is extremely hard. We need to do all the work - literally all - from sweeping and cleaning the lab, making coffee when guests are coming, preparing for a bunch of classes, teaching, evaluating, marking the score, taking care of students, being the person in charge for department, faculty, and university level of something (for example, managing department's SNS, department's marketing, making pamphlet, and so on and so on - the list can go on), being active in academic life outside campus, and lastly, research. Yes, research! Research is the last thing that you can do in the university that I work. 

Let's talk about this later, now not thou.

To get promoted to be Associate Professor in this university, here are the requirements:

  1. PhD holder (Currently, job applications for lecturers are only for PhDs, but lecturers from the old days sometimes still have no PhD)
  2. Must have experience guiding the thesis of 4th year students (The criteria for each department is different, in my department, more than 20 students) 
  3. Write an essay about the targets to be achieved in the new position and career design as a lecturer
  4. In the last 5 years must publish at least 3 international journals or 4 local journals as first author
  5. Points from teaching experience (criteria for each department are different extremely difficult to explain, so skip! But as a hint there are criteria for the number of classes, the number of students, class evaluation by students)
  6. Points from academics (number of journals published, impact factor, number of proceedings, number of presentations at conferences, number of academic awards, number of patents, number of books). Point weight is different for first author and non-first author
  7. Points from non-academics (helping association as for example secretary, being chairperson at conference, being an adviser in a student club, being an adviser in company)
  8. Points from research grants (where have you gotten research grants, how many are principal investigators, how many are research members)
  9. Points from being in charge of department activities (being in charge of any role in department, faculty and university activities) 
  10. Print all the documents (at least 4 copy), explain and evaluated by your supervisor (lab boss), department chair, dean and for university. Then after passing through, the documents will be checked again and again by campus' Human Resources Committee (mostly Professors) to be recommended to the university boss (Rector and Chairman of the Board of Directors of a school foundation)

In Japan, you don't have to get approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture or the Japanese Higher Education (I heard in several countries you must get approval from the ministry...). All of this is regulated within the university/foundation, so it is the university/foundation that determines whether you become a professor. The university only have to report to the Ministry of Education and Culture and attach all the documents.

Agribusiness × AI

 Agribusiness × AI

The role of AI in Agribusiness and study case in our lab

 Laboratory of Management Informatics

Muslim travelers in Japan prioritize prayer room when choosing place to dine out!

Driving factor of Muslim travelers in Japan when choosing a place for dining out?
Together with Ahmad Mahbubi Mufti , we tried to clarify factors influencing Muslim travelers when dining out in Japan.
1. What’s the priority for Muslim travelers when choosing a place for dining out?
> 70% of Muslim travelers in Japan prioritized prayer room availability more than halal-certified food (although in the last decade we experienced halal boom). Only 20% of Muslim travelers were prioritizing halal-certified food. If you are making a business targeting Muslim travelers (maybe after this COVID-19 pandemic end), then you should consider providing a prayer room as your first service priority. If you still have the budget, time and energy, then gaining halal certification is also a good idea.
2. How much are Muslim travelers willing to pay for one serve of halal-certified food with a prayer room available?
> They were willing to pay for as much as 1.5 times higher than the average price of the same dish in Japan. E. g. Muslim travelers were willing to pay as much as 1,200 JPY for ramen (the average price of ramen in 2018 was 800 JPY). Their purchasing power is good, and they tend not to consider price when selecting their preferred place.
If you are interested to read the full paper (it’s open access), you can find it here

Belajar Marketing dari Elon Musk

Siapa yang tidak tau "Elon Musk" ?
Wajahnya ada di berbagai macam media, cuitan cuitan dia ada di berbagai media pula.
Perusahaanya sedang naik daun, Tesla, SpaceX.

Terlepas dari dia menjual berbagai mimpi dan realisasi dari topik yang sedang populer lihat saja perusahaan yang dia punya.

Jadi menurut saya, visi dan realisasi mas Elon memang beda sama kebanyakan orang lain. Yang saya ingin soroti adalah, di saat yang bersamaan dia juga banyak melakukan banyak branding dan marketing dengan cara yang cerdas, sebagai booster, saya duga dia (mungkin dengan timnya mungkin ngga) sengaja melakukanya apalagi tau kalau dia juga punya gelar di bidang fisika dan ekonomi manajemen. Dia tau percis prinsip ekonomi, apa itu marketing, manajemen dan hal yang berhubungan dengan topik tersebut.

Yang paling mudah dilihat untuk dunia marketing itu twitternya mas Elon, mas Elon tenar di banyak media masa dan media sosial sejak taun 2015, frekuensi twit (dan twit nyelenehnya obviously) makin meningkat sejak 2015 juga.

Ada analisis yang menarik mengenai cuitan mas Elon, bisa dilihat disini.

makin nyeleneh twitnya makin banyak followernya, makin banyak retweetnya dsb, bukan cuman twitternya, sns sns lain mas Elon pun trendnya begitu, makin banyak media coveragenya, makin banyak twit dan twit nyelenehnya mas Elon, kecenderunganya mas Elon sadar kalau itu bisa jadi marketingnya.
Makanya saya pikir, selain visi dan realisasi yang jelas, paralel dengan juga dengan brandingnya, itu booster yang sangat berpengaruh untuk dapat pengikut, sekali dapat pengikut, apalagi setia, bisa jauh lebih mudah jadi investor atau customer dan repeat customer nantinya.

Apakah ada yang pernah dengar nama "Joshua Tetrick"? Saya rasa sangaat sedikit yang pernah dengar, dia juga pebisnis, perusahaan makanan dengan visi yang jelas, realisasinya juga jelas, tapi ngga setenar mas Elon, atau banyak pebisnis pebisnis lainya juga seperti itu
Apakah visi dan realisasi eksekutif perusahaan lain juga kalah dari mas Elon? saya rasa ngga juga, tapi apakah setenar mas Elon? sayangnya ngga, disitu dibutuhkan branding (marketing).

Contoh lain. self driving car, tesla dan perusahaan lama saya, kualitas diatas kertas, sistem perusahaan lama saya sedikit lebih baik, tapi sedikit sekali yang tau sistem self driving perusahaan lama saya, ok memang bukan apple to apple perbandinganya, tesla bikin self driving car system, mobilnya dan batrenya, perusahaan lama saya bikin sistem sama komponennya aja di dalem mobil mobil lain, tapi ya media coverage dan brandingnya jauh beda. Itu bisa terjadi karena branding dan marketing yang kuat.

Atau ketika mobil mobil tesla di launch, coverage media masanya, sns, fanboy, gaungnya terdengar dimana2, di periode yang sama mobil2 lainya, apakah seperti itu? Sayangnya jauh kalah oleh berita tesla
Yang ahir ahir ini sebelum corona rame, juga ada cybertruck, itu beritanya berminggu minggu, dimana mana, jadi meme dimana mana, ada kaca pecah pas launching, yang banyak yang bilang juga kesengajaan di buat dipanggung seperti itu, buat marketing mereka supaya diberitakan dimana mana, kalau memang betul disengaja ada insiden kaca pecah, itu cerdas sekali.
Kalau pun ngga sengaja dan beneran insiden juga hebat sekali karena bisa berubah jadi popularitas karena insiden, tetep beritanya dimana mana juga, again branding, marketing.

Apakah popularitas di media masa, sns dll mempengaruhi harga saham dan valuasi perusahaan? Iya juga sebagai salah satu faktor, mungkin besar mungkin ngga pengaruhnya, tergantung jenis perusahaanya, tapi berpengaruh.
Ini contoh lain karena cuitan di media yang mempengaruhi valuasi perusahaanya (Tesla). Branding, marketing itu sangat berpengaruh.

Untuk tesla, juga berpengaruh, mereka baru jual sekitar 300,000 - 400,000 mobil di tahun 2019, dibanding perusahaan mobil lain, ya jauh dibawah, profit? masih sedikit dan cenderung naik, makanya marketing juga salah satu ujung tombak bagi perusahaan, apalagi  yang masih bergantung dari investor, menggaet investor butuh marketing yang bagus juga pastinya, supaya investor percaya, apalagi masih sedikit profitnya.

Ada juga yang bilang value nya tesla itu ya karena media coveragenya sangat berpengaruh, (malah banyak yang bilang overvaluated juga) diperlakukan kayak tech company semacem amazon atau google, uzai kamoshiremasen ga, media coverage adanya karena efek branding, marketing

Mungkin opini saya ada yang setuju, ada yang ngga, ya ngga apa apa namanya opini :)

Simple basic spiral code implementation 2 with tolerance 0.1

Simple basic spiral code implementation 2 with tolerance 0.1

This is the sequel of the previous code implementation of spiral, that time I made a very simple archimedean spiral with the same step over. But sometime, we want more than a step over, a distance between each point of a spiral (tolerance).

Here is my code implementation in c.

  *    @par    Copyright(C)  
  *    2018     Tokyo University of Agriculture, Saville Lab.  
  *    All rights reserved.  
  *    @par    History:  
  *    - 2018/07/15    Saville Ramadhona  
  *        - first code.  
  * Program to make spiral curve and put the point on spiral  
  * based on tollerance (point distance).  
  * Not based on parameter of spiral curve.  
  * eg. When tollerance is o.1, distance between adjacent points on spiral   
  * must not exceed the tollerance.   
 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846  
  *    function to evaluate/compute point on spiral  
  *    @param[in]    param    spiral parameter  
  *    @param[in]    theta    angle in computed point (radians)  
  *    @param[out]    pt        array coordinate of computed point on spiral (x,y)   
  *    @return                radius of center point of spiral to computed point  
 double evalSpiralpt(double param, double theta, double pt[2])  
     double r = param*theta;  
     pt[0] = r * cos(theta);  
     pt[1] = r * sin(theta);  
     return r;  
  *    function to check distance square between adjacent points  
  *    we do not use sqrt to make computation faster  
  *    @param[in]    point        newly computed point on spiral   
  *    @param[in]    prevpoint    previously computed point on spiral   
  *    @return                    distance square obetween adjacent points  
 double checkDistpt2(double point[2], double prevpoint[2])  
     return (point[0]-prevpoint[0])*(point[0]-prevpoint[0])   
             + (point[1]-prevpoint[1])*(point[1]-prevpoint[1]);  
 //spiral definition r = a + bθ  
 void main()  
     //remove file if exist  
   int status;  
   status = remove("C:\\Users\\BA17655\\Documents\\spiral.csv");  
   //prepare csv file to see the computation result  
   FILE *fp;  
   fp = fopen("C:\\Users\\BA17655\\Documents\\spiral.csv", "a");  
   fprintf(fp, "rad, theta, r, x, y, d\n");  
     double pi_2 = 2* M_PI;  
     int numTurns = 5;                                      //automatically determine by detecting outer edge, later!  
     double stepover = 0.1;                                 //tool path stepover (USER INPUT)  
     double distanceBetweenTurns = stepover * (1 / (pi_2)); //b  
     double theta = 0.0;                                    //starting angle  
     double offset = 0.0;                                   //a (offset of starting point)  
     double pointsPerTurn = 20; //to be modified  
     for(int i=0; i<(pointsPerTurn*numTurns+1); i++)  
         double r = offset + (distanceBetweenTurns*theta);  
         double point[2];  
         point[0] = r * cos(theta);  
         point[1] = r * sin(theta);  
         printf("%f %f %f %f \n", theta*(180.0/M_PI), r, point[0], point[1]);  
         theta += pi_2 / pointsPerTurn;  
     double dist_thres2 = 0.01;          //distance threshold(control point tollerance - USER INPUT)  
     int cnt = 0;  
     double point[2];                    //x, y coordinate control point on spiral  
     double prevpoint[2];  
     double prevtheta;  
     double degree;  
     double sizelimit = numTurns * 360.0; //to sizelimit the size of spiral  
         //evaluate point in spiral   
         double r = evalSpiralpt(distanceBetweenTurns, theta, point);  
         if( cnt < 1 )  
             fprintf(fp, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", theta, theta*(180.0/M_PI), r, point[0], point[1]);  
             theta += pi_2 * dist_thres2;  
         if( cnt > 0 )  
             //check distance of control point  
             double dist2 = checkDistpt2(point, prevpoint);  
             //check if point distance exceed tolerance  
             if( dist2 > dist_thres2 )   
             { //if exeec tollerance, compute new control point  
                     //make the new point to be located in the middle of previous and current point  
                     theta = (theta + prevtheta) * 0.5;  
                     r = evalSpiralpt(distanceBetweenTurns, theta, point);  
                     dist2 = checkDistpt2(point, prevpoint);  
                     //when above is not enough, do it one more time!  
                     if( dist2 > dist_thres2 )  
                         theta = (theta + prevtheta) * 0.5;  
                         r = evalSpiralpt(distanceBetweenTurns, theta, point);  
                         dist2 = checkDistpt2(point, prevpoint);  
                 }while( dist2 > dist_thres2 ); //when point distance lies under the tollerance, exit loop  
             fprintf(fp, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", theta, theta*(180.0/M_PI), r, point[0], point[1], dist2);  
             prevtheta = theta;  
             theta += pi_2 * dist_thres2;  
         prevpoint[0] = point[0];  
         prevpoint[1] = point[1];  
         degree = theta*(180.0/M_PI);  
     }while( degree <= sizelimit );  

After running the code, it will print out the angle (radian), angle (degree), r of each point(interpreted as 1/curvature), x, y coordinate of each point, and the distance of each point.
The plotted spiral from the code in excel is as shown below.

Pretty simple right!

spiral 2

BB 情報システム論 第6回目 ビジネス戦略と情報システム1

バイオビジネス 情報システム論 第6回目 ビジネス戦略と情報システム1



サフィル ラマドナ

BB 情報システム論 第5回目 生活基盤としての情報システム

バイオビジネス 情報システム論 第5回目 生活基盤としての情報システム



サフィル ラマドナ