the university of tokyo night view


night view of the university of tokyo kasiwa no ha campus, great campus indeed. i will be missing that campus especially the canteen where i can eat the jumbo size bowl of kakiage, and also of course JAMSS kashiwa which is located the next to this campus, where i worked (did my part time actually), met mr.dorj, and got some ideas and lesson from him. Thank you mr dorj!

東京大学柏の葉キャンパスのナイトヴィウ、とても良いキャンパスだと思う。そのキャンパスを寂しく思うだろう、特に食堂。その食堂で大盛り(特盛の方が良いかな ;p)のかき揚げが食べられるから。もちろんJAMSS柏も寂しく思うだろう(このキャンパスのすぐ隣に位置している)。あそこでの仕事(バイト!)、ドルジさんに会ったこと、ドルジさんから色々なアイデアや教訓を教えて下さった。有難う御座いますドルジさん。
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  1. I can see and even feel the chill. It's so quiet at night.

  2. Tampaknya enak bgt don kampusnya... Lo pindah kampus yah emang skrg?

  3. @eki, yeees it was really cold there, yep not so many people there,quite far away from the city

    @fany, iya bagus kampusnya fan, ngga kook masih dikampus sama di lab yang sama. itu cuman ada kerjaan aja dideket situ,dan kantin kampusnya jadi tempat gw makan siang sama makan malem waktu itu,hhe

  4. Hajimemashite
    Watashi no namae wa Abenk desu
    Watashi wa Indoneshia jin desu
    Watashi wa ANDALAS UNIVERSITYkara kimashita
    Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu

  5. @Abenk-san, Hallo, watashimo indonesia jin desu yo. kochirakoso yoroshiku onegaishimasu :)
