test switching to japanese driving ilcense, tes ganti ke sim jepang, 外面切替試験 part 1

switching to japanese driving ilcense

written test

I went to fuchu driving license center to switch my indonesian driving license to the japanese one on january 26. on that day i did the administration and also the written test.

what you need to bring:
1. driving license in your home country
2. passport
3. residence card (在留カード)
4. residence status (住民票) from ward office (区役所)
5. picture  3 x 2.4cm
6. japanese translated driving license from JAF
7. driving status (if any) from police office/station

you have to be in your home country more than 90 days since you got your driving license!

here are the questions of written test.

right or wrong question
1. you cannot pass the road when there is this sign (right)
No Parking, Traffic Sign,No Entry, Road, Sign, Red,

2. this sign shows you not to enter (wrong)
3. suppose that there is a 30kmph sign, nobody is on the road, then you may drive more than 30kmph (wrong)
4. you can drive as fast as you can when there is nobody there (wrong)
5. you are very tired, but you still drive a car (wrong)
6. suppose that you are at an intersection, you want to turn right, but the re is also a car across you wanting to go to the left, you need to let the car across you to go first (right)
7. when you drive on the road and there are sign like this, it means you are free to change the direction as you want (wrong)
source: shutterstock
8. you want to park your car but cannot find the empty parking lot, then you park your car on the left side because there are no car passing by (wrong)
9. you can drive on the bus lane (wrong)
10. you can change your lane after passing this yellow line (right)
source: geocities


ganti ke sim jepang

ujian pengetahuan

saya ke fuchu untuk bikin sim jepang, nge ganti dari sim indonesia tanggal 26, nah disitu saya daftar sekaligus tes ujian pengetahuan.

yang harus dibawa:
1. sim negara asal
2. passport
3. residence card (在留カード)
4. residence status (住民票) dari kantor kecamatan (区役所)
5. foto 3 x 2.4cm
6. sim yang udah ditranslate dari JAF
7. status mengemudi kita (kalau ada) dari kantor polisi tempat kita buat sim dulu

kita boleh ganti kalo udah lebih dari 90 hari ada di negara tempat kita buat sim!

ini soal ujian pengetahuannya.

benar atau salah

1. tanda ini adalah tanda dilarang masuk/lewat (benar)
No Parking, Traffic Sign,No Entry, Road, Sign, Red,

2. tanda ini adalah tanda dilarang masuk/lewat (salah)
3. kalau ada tanda 30km speed limit, boleh melaju lebih dari itu karena jalan kosong (salah)
4. kalau jalanan kosong boleh melaju dengan sangat cepat (salah)
5. anda capek dan tidak yakin bisa menyetir, tapi anda tetap menyetir (salah)
6. anda ada di perempatan, lalu mau belok ke kanan, di sebrang anda ada mobil yang mau belok kiri, anda harus mempersilahkan mobil yang belok ke kiri duluan (benar)
7. ketika anda menyetir dan di jalan ada tanda seperti ini anda bebas berpindah jalur (salah)
8. anda tidak menemukan tempat parkir, lalu anda parkir di sisi kiri jalan karena sedikit mobil yang lewat (salah)
9. anda boleh masuk kedalam jalur bus karena sepi (salah)
10. anda boleh berpindah jalur (untuk nyalib/belok) setelah melewati garis kuning di sisi jalan (benar)

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